Line of research: Art, Subject, City
Research Project
The Pedagogies of Visuality observe and are constructed through visual-imagistic dimensions (photographic images, cinema, posters, among other analogic and technologic visual productions) and how those images come to forge modes and manners of looking/seeing/creating the world in its diverse human manifestations. Its field of investigation attempts, in a general way, to analyze processes of production, reception and reading of images within the dimension of multisemiotic literacies, and its articulation with the field of readings and literacies as Pedagogies of Visuality, which take place as formally or informally didactic teachings that establish canons of customs, habits, modes of being/there-being/producing, just like amplified pedagogic forms. Visuality is a cultural imposition. Vision is a physiologic function. When we become aware that we see in the way we were taught to see, a scope for new visualities is opened in the quest for significations to and within the amplified semantic-semiotic field. The project harbors researches on the Teaching of Arts, based on studies of Visual Culture and Studies of the Image. Joint projects: 1. Aesthetics of Playfulness, playing as poiesis [Project of Scientific Initiation, currently with 1 student granted a PIBIC/UERJ scholarship (2018- )]; 2. Alumni from the Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Arts and from the Post Graduation in Arts: Where are you? Follow-up Program for Alumni/PAEArtes [Extension project with 1 student granted a DEPEXT/UERJ scholarship (2020- )]; 3. EréPomteca: Art and playing for the re-education of ethnic-racial relations [Project of Initiation to Professorship with 5 students granted a CETREINA/UERJ scholarship (2022- )]; 4. Multidimensional readings, imagistic dialogues on the school floor [Project of Professorial Initiation with 1 student granted a CETREINA/UERJ scholarship (2018- )].