Aldo Victório Filho
Master and Doctor of Education (UERJ).
Master and Doctor of Visual Arts (UFRJ)
Master of Visual Languages (UFRJ) and Doctor of Interdisciplinary Poetics (UFRJ).
Master of Education (PUC-Rio) and Doctor of Human Sciences-Education (PUC-Rio).
Master and Doctor of Dramatic Art (UNIRIO).
Master of Communication and Culture (UFRJ) and Doctor of Visual Languages (UFRJ).
Master of Brazilian Literature (UFRJ) and Doctor of Literary Theory (UFRJ).
Master of Arts (UERJ), Doctor of Philosophy (UFRJ), and Doctor of Visual Arts (UFRJ).
Master of Contemporary Artistic Processes (UERJ) and Doctor of Visual Languages (UFRJ).
Master of Arts (UERJ) and Doctor of Visual Languages (UFRJ).
Master of Communications and Theory of Culture and Doctor of Communications (ECA/USP).
Master of Communications (UFRJ) and Doctor of Communications and Semiotics (PUC-SP).
Master of Arts (USP) and Doctor of Visual Arts (USP).
Doctor of Education (Université de Paris V – René Descartes).
Master of Arts and Doctor of Arts of the Scene (UNICAMP).
Master of Communications and Technology of Image (UFRJ) and Doctor of Visual Arts (UFRJ).
Master of Social History of Culture (PUC-Rio) and Doctor of Letters (PUC-Rio).
Master and Doctor of Social History of Culture (PUC-RJ).
Master of Social Memory (UNIRIO) and Doctor of Social History (USP).
Master and Doctor of Art History and Criticism (UFRJ).
Master and Doctor of Social History of Culture (PUC-Rio).
Master of Arts (Columbia University) and Doctor of Visual Arts (UFRJ).
Master of Communications (UFRJ) and Doctor of Arts (USP).
Master of Philosophy (UFRJ) and Doctor of Philosophy (UERJ).
Master of Social History of Culture (PUC-Rio) and Doctor of History (UFF).