Line of research: Art, Experience, Language
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3036110065959550
email: elobrantes@gmail.com
Research Project
BODY-ENVIRONMENT IN PERFORMANCE: ARTISTIC PRACTICES AND ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIONS The transdisciplinary nature of performance and its political unfoldings within the field of contemporary art comprise the practical-theoretical horizon of this project, which aims to provide graduate students with experiences of creation and realization of performances socially engaged in environmental issues. In every action-intervention, collective performances will be created from the dialogue with the presence/absence of water in the socio environmental ecosystems where the group is researching-acting. Articulations between performance, photography and video, in particular, will be worked on as records and production of files to be used in possible unfoldings of those actions through digital media, and their relocations to different socio environmental contexts.