Line of research: Art, Thought, Performativity
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/7144904691496574
email: eloizagurgel@uol.com.br
Research Project
This project has the objective of investigating non-hegemonic learning constituted in flows and counterflows from liminal spaces of art in their fluid demarcations and hybrid territories, in cultural and social dynamics which produce and constitute artistic processes. It is intended to be an exercise of transdisciplinary research directed to interstices and in-between places from a gamut of practices: the cultural circles of urban peripheries, the space of installation, the transitive time of the body in performance, and other poetic profanations, either within the field of theoretical exploration or within the field of artistic creation. In our times, this impure space is also a space of diversity, since living together with the impurities of the contemporary world is living together with its diversity, originated, among other things, from mixtures and hybridisms of art, between genres, supports, techniques, technologies, media, and languages. In our project, we propose to relate the symbolic cartographies of the in-between places of artistic expressions, cultural dynamics, and their performativity, as an event which reorganizes paradigms that structure the perception of the spaces of art in our contemporaneity. On the track of W. Benjamin, what interests us is a discourse with a short circuit, with a tension between artistic production and academic production.