Line of research: Art, Subject, City
Research Project
IRRECONCILABLE TEMPORALITIES: ARTISTIC PROCESSES AND DAILY PRACTICES The concept of irreconcilable temporalities issues from the stratagem of collage, which consists in removing contents from their original places and taking them to another surface, another temporality. The project gathers, under the same bulwark, visual and sound dimensions and their multiple forms of equivalences, correspondences and parallels within the artistic system named “One per day”. The “One per day” system is a fragmentary form which tries to contain the whole in parts; the systematization of artistic thought in intervals of one day allows us to scrutinize to the utmost every fragmented part, which would be the only way of trying to systematically embrace the thought that is, on the whole, neither apprehensible nor embraceable. With a wide conception of artistic process, the interest of the project lies in the performing and pedagogic character which is contained in every work of art – its conceptual crossings in the teaching of art – and in the development of approaches, means and procedures for the teaching of visual arts. The project problematizes the difficult relation between seeing and hearing, and their various translations, which are also tangential to the issue of deafness. Joint projects: 1. Games of irreconcilable temporalities in the education of the deaf. [Foment: DEPEXT (extension scholarships). E-49/2021 – Publishing Support Program – 2021 FAPERJ]; 2. Institutional Scholarship Program for Initiation to Professorship [PIBID/CAPES Edict Nr. 23/2022 (scholarship for area coordination)]; 3. Project of Scientific Initiation: “The difficult relation between seeing and hearing”. [Foment: CNPq Scholarship]; 4. PAVIS – Research group of Arts and Visualities [UERJ]; 5. Gp Program for actions: Artistic practice and daily experience [UFF/UERJ]; 6. Approaches, means and procedures in the teaching of visual arts. [Bolsa Prodocência (Proprofessorship Scholarship) – CETREINA/UERJ].