Line of research: Art, Image, Writing
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/2054847883460812
email: leiladanziger@gmail.com
Research Project
Structured in three interrelated investigative axes, this project has the objective of producing plastic works and theoretical reflections related to the archive, the library and the edition, oriented by the topics of generational transmission, of critical rememoration of history, and of reinvention of life. The research is inscribed in its extreme attention to frictions between the small and the great history, locating in topics of my own personal history possibilities of construction of what is common to us. From experimentations with different plastic means, such as techniques of printing, painting, video, artists’ book, installation, photography and writing, the investigation seeks to develop “gestures of image and gestures of word”, in the expression by Marie-José Mondzain. It is a matter, here, of affirming the field of art as an indispensable form of knowledge in an intense dialogue with history, history of Brazil, poetry, literature, philosophy, psychoanalysis and anthropology. Through artistic practice, new lines of escape for the confrontation of the darkness of our time are sought. The research is inscribed in the widest field of negotiations between art, media, memory, history and oblivion, which orient my researches since 2010. This project – which currently counts on financing from the Bolsa de Produtividade em Pesquisa (Research Productivity Scholarship) by CNPq, level 1-C, and from the Prociência (Proscience)/FAPERJ-UERJ Program – unfolds and reorients the researches listed below, which counted on diverse financings: 1. Blue cabinets: Editing practices and poetics of rememoration [PQ-CNPq 1-C/ Cientista do Nosso Estado (Scientist from Our State)-FAPERJ (2017-2021)]; 2. The Artist as Editor [Prociência (Proscience)-UERJ (2017-2020)]; 3. Other ships: Images and spaces of melancholy [PQ-CNPq 1-D/Prociência (Proscience)-UERJ (2014-2017)]; 4. Ships of immigrants: Visual essays on the memory of Jewish refugees from Nazifascism in Brazil [PQ-CNPq 2/Prociência (Proscience)-UERJ/Jovem Cientista do Nosso Estado (Young Scientist from Our State)-FAPERJ (2010-2014)].