Line of research: Art, Criticism, Creation
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/2217832994315714
email: lilidovalle@gmail.com
Research Project
Proceeding from previous researches, the present investigation is dedicated to criticism of anthropological definitions inherited by Western tradition and its predilection for oppositions, such as thought (conscience)/activity (movement), I (individuation)/other (socialization), interior/exterior, theory/practice, reason/sensibility. Leading to the fracture of educative models and evident inadequacy of mental schemes and anthropological concepts in force to deal with the demands of human education in the present, these cleavages have, all of them, as point of origin and of confluence, the soul/body opposition which in Antiquity, under Platonic influence, was forged, becoming afterward the absolute mark of Western thought. To be made a body is, then, an injunction triply signified: as intellectual attitude, it affirms the importance of testimony of what is particular, of incarnate reflection, of sensitive experience, such as art can provide; as metaphor, it alludes to the rooting of one shared history and culture and, therefore, to a militancy; as project, it implies seeking, with the weapons of sensitiveness, to be present in the shared world, the extremely vast world of human multiplicity, which art discurtains. Emphasis is laid on notions of corporeity and presence, main operators of criticism to be made (a) to the body x soul cleavage, from which has derived loss of corporeity and of the world, characteristic of the “isolated subject”; (b) to the project of civilizatory modernity, which has legitimated coloniality and “colonial difference” (W. Mignolo); (c) to the “great division” (B. Latour) of nature/society, which has justified predatory behavior in relation to what is terrestrial; (d) to the national x world opposition which, seeking to respond to the crisis of political representation, hardly manages to bear the new cosmopolitical demands on which the renovation of the democratic project depends. What is intended, most especially, is to analyze the potential of art for the settlement of a cosmopolitan culture, capable of, by reconnecting the subject to the body and the world, favoring the reception of what is diverse and the creation of a new disposition before plurality and the challenges of the present times.