Line of research: Art, Image, Writing
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/2995853290168904
email: l.claudiodacosta@gmail.com
Research Project
THE GRAVITY OF IMAGE: Memory, body, precariousness
The main objective of this research is the study of art since the post-war era. The so-called contemporaneity in art presents multiple aspects, from criticism to formalism, to institutions and conventions of art and of life. It expresses heterogeneous interests, involving time, history, trauma, archives, memory, precariousness of materials, vulnerability of life, differences related to what is hegemonic in culture – racial, ethnic and gender alterities. Within this context, art refuses formal essences and turns to processes, gestures, body, experience, relation with the spectator. Different procedures are used, from the most traditional to the rarest ones in history of art, such as appropriation and repetition. For this investigation, the focus lies on materialities, precarious forms, open and unstable representations, flaws, suspensions, and ruptures. The problem of the image is central in the research, which is harbored in the field of art theory and criticism and benefits from the distinction between figurability as scope of art and representation as finality of knowledge. The investigation involves various projects and is granted financing from FAPERJ, CNPq and the Prociência (Proscience)/FAPERJ-UERJ Program. Joint projects: 1. Precarious lives: The experience of art within the public sphere [Colloquium (2018)]; 2. Situated image: The politics of memory and the critical art [Cientistas do Nosso Estado (Scientists from Our State)-FAPERJ (2019-2021)/Produtividade (Productivity)-CNPq (2019-2021)]; 3. Situated image: Memory, precariousness and critical art [Prociência (Proscience) (2020-2022)]; 4. Precarious Lives: Art, Memory, History – Research, Exhibition, Seminar [Universal-CNPq (2020-2022)]; 5. The other, a face: Life in a condition of urgency – The critical subject in contemporary art [Produtividade (Productivity)-CNPq (2022-2024)]; 6. The other, a face: Life in a condition of urgency – The critical subject [Prociência (Proscience) (2023-2025)]. Research groups: The gravity of Image [The Image group gathers students from supervision of the Master’s degree and Doctorate]; The gravity of Image: Experience and artistic gesture [Group registered in the Directory of Research from CNPq (leader)]; History of art: Modes of seeing, exhibiting and comprehending [Group registered in the Directory of Research from CNPq (participant)].