Line of research: Art, Image, Writing
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/6579316913909055
email: marisaflorido@uol.com.br
Research Project
This research has as its object of study the contemporary artistic production which operates: on the overflowings between the arts and from these with other modes of existence and of learning, sensibilities, action; on reconfigurations of ties and bonds; on dimensions of the common and its figures; on the emergency of heterogeneous temporalities and spatialities; on tensions and enlacements between images and words; on shares and closures of the worlds. With a transdisciplinary focus, the research is, therefore, unfolded in various investigations: relations between writing and visuality, letter and image, sense and silence, and between the alphabetic writing and other writing systems and traditions, within the expanded field of arts and literature; relations between visibility and subjectivization, between art and mediatic devices (television, internet, newspaper) within their monopolies and in artistic insurgences; between modes of production, circulation, and reception of images and words, in the creation of mediatic communities along with imagistic wars; in the analysis of artistic production which approaches the (dis)limits of the human (relations between human/non human, nature/culture, sciences/arts, science/myth), by contesting the Western exceptionality of the human over the other species (as the only living being gifted with thought and language, with soul, agency and world), by interrogating the notions of world and humanity, and by entering into debates on the planetary crisis (environmental, economic and social) and into fabulations of the finitude of the world as catastrophe experienced “in common”. Joint projects: 1. Art and mediatic devices [Status: In progress; Type: Research; Participants: Marisa Flórido Cesar (Coordinator)]; 2. Arts and writings of the worlds [Status: In progress; Type: Research; Participants: Marisa Flórido Cesar (Coordinator)]; 3. (Dis)limits of the human [Status: In progress; Type: Research; Participants: Marisa Flórido Cesar (Coordinator)].