Line of research: Art, Subject, City
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/7403941651097693
email: rodrigogueron@gmail.com
Research Project
This plan of work, and its objectives, have with a previous plan a relation which is, at the same time, of continuity and of inflection. As in the plan for the previous work, these objectives, be it in their most general aspects, be it in their most specific ones, were traced mainly from the work which is being constituted by the research group from CNPq led by us, “Video, Art, Politics, Thought”. Once more we are constructing an important part of our objectives taking as reference researches which are being developed by our students-researchers. It is convenient to remember, in this case, that some of those researches include works of artistic creation, that is to say, many of our supervised students are what we might call “students-artists-researchers”. Thus, if it is true that they seek our supervision by virtue of the research we are developing and the themes we propose, it is also true that, as the student’s researches advance and are brought to the group, which we gather periodically, new possibilities within our investigations are disclosed. And here it is already insinuated one of the key points of our method of work to be exposed in the next item, that is, to always promote meetings between the supervised students, scholarship holders and those interested in our area of research in general, so that we may promote exchanges of learning, experiences, research processes, creative processes, in short, exchanges of knowledge in general. But it must be remembered that professors-doctors also take part in our research group. It is true that, when we speak of “objectives” for a plan of work, we always feel the necessity of tracing them [starting] from some theoretical foundation – which here shall be restricted to the introduction to the themes of this plan of work – so that, just then, we reach the objectives themselves, which are, them as well, in a certain way theoretical. Subsequently, I believe we should enumerate what we are going to call here, only to the effect of schematization, “practical objectives”, that is, objectives with respect to organization of work and goals of academic production. We know, nevertheless, how this division between “theoretical objectives” and “practical objectives” may be problematized, above all because theoretical objectives decisively determine the praxis of work.